Every reported victim of an incident of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking covered by university policy, whether the incident occurred on or off campus, will receive written notification of options and rights. These options and rights apply to both students and employees, although the specific options may be different in each case. These include:
Notification of Victims’ Rights and Options
- Both parties receive a copy of the policy and procedures and notice of the specific nature of the allegations against the responding party if the university is pursuing investigation and possible disciplinary action.
- Victims receive information about:
- Supportive measures.
- The resources available to victims as noted above and below.
- How to make a report to the police if the victim has not already done so.
The university provides support to people who have been the victims of any crime or violation of university policy. People who have been victimized by a university community member may choose to report the incident to the Office of Title IX Programs and Gender Equity to initiate criminal or possible disciplinary action. In addition to any action deemed necessary by CSU police, a report will also be forwarded to the Office of Title IX Programs and Gender Equity for consideration of possible disciplinary action against a CSU community member.
Colorado State University will provide victims of crime, including crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, with the best possible care and services. CSU will provide written notification to students and employees about support and services available to them, including:
- Physical, mental health, and counseling services
- Victim advocacy services
- Legal assistance
- Visa and immigration assistance
- Student financial aid
- Help with academic issues that may arise
- Changes to living situations
- Help with transportation
- Help with employment situations
- Supportive measures
- Other services available for victims, both within the university and in the community
The above support and services are available to victims whether or not they choose to report the incident to law enforcement. To learn more about these support services and the option to have changes made to a victim’s situation, contact the Office of Title IX Programs and Gender Equity.
Resources and services at Colorado State University include:
CSU Police Department
750 Meridian Ave. Fort Collins, CO
Sexual Assault Victim Assistance Team
Through the Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center
112 Student Services Building, Fort Collins, CO
CSU Health Network (available to students who pay fees)
151 W. Lake Street (corner of College Avenue and Prospect Road) Fort Collins, CO
Counseling Services (available to students who pay fees)
151 W. Lake Street (corner of College Avenue and Prospect Road) Fort Collins, CO
Support and Safety Assessment
226 Student Services Building, Fort Collins, CO
Student Resolution Center
501 W. Lake St., Suite A, Aggie Village, Walnut Hall Fort Collins, CO
Student Legal Services
284 Lory Student Center, Fort Collins, CO
Student Legal Services assists students who are victimized by crime, including assistance with non-immigrant visas through a free initial consultation and a referral to an immigration attorney. Student Legal Services will advise victims regarding legal and university processes, victim impact statements for the prosecutor’s office, no contact orders, civil protection or restraining orders, and other options.
When Student Legal Services has a conflict of interest preventing assistance for a victim, the office will assure that the student is put in contact with the victim advocacy program through the District Attorney’s office. If there are other areas of need not served by that program, Student Legal Services may refer a victim for an initial advisement by a community attorney at no charge to the student.
Office of International Programs
Laurel Hall Fort Collins, CO
The Office of International Programs can help with visas to return to the United States after an absence, and referrals to immigration attorneys.
Office of Financial Aid
Centennial Hall, 1000 Libbie Coy Way, Fort Collins, CO
Office of the Registrar
Centennial Hall, 1000 Libbie Coy Way, Fort Collins, CO
Office of the Ombuds
316 General Services Building, 1251 S. Mason St., Fort Collins, CO
Employee Assistance Program
316 General Services Building, 1251 S. Mason St., Fort Collins, CO
Resources available in the community include:
SAVA ‐ Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center
Crossroads Safehouse
Alternatives to Violence
Summit Stone Crisis Line
Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center
CSU police will investigate reports of crimes and can provide options for pursuing criminal or civil charges, or university discipline against the assailant. Crimes reported anonymously will also be investigated.
Victims who receive personal support from university resources can expect:
- To be treated with respect
- To have confidentiality maintained (within the bounds of the law and university policy)
- To have university or criminal proceedings fully explained
- To receive assistance in relocation within or to other housing if desired
- To receive referral information for support services
- At the victim’s request, to receive university assistance to deter harassment or retribution
If university disciplinary action is initiated, the victim can expect:
- To be notified of scheduled disciplinary proceedings
- To be apprised of potential hearing outcomes
- To attend the disciplinary hearing if the victim desires to do so
- To be accompanied by an adviser or support person at the hearing
- To provide a victim impact statement
- To be informed of the outcome of the hearing
- At the victim’s request, to be informed (to the extent permitted by law) of the impending return of the perpetrator to campus, if the conditions of the suspension or dismissal were met prior to the victim’s departure from campus
The university will, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence or a non‐forcible sex offense, the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the institution as it pertains to the victim. If the alleged victim is deceased because of such crime or offense, the next of kin of such victim shall be provided notice.
Brochures detailing victims’ rights in crimes, published by the Larimer County District Attorney, are available at all local law enforcement agencies including CSUPD. CSUPD also carries information about university resources for students.
About Support Offered by the CSU Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center
The CSU Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center (970‐491‐6384) provides ongoing advocacy for survivors of interpersonal violence and their support systems. The center provides support around legal, medical, emotional, academic, and university disciplinary options and concerns, and will go with a survivor to on‐campus or off‐campus services, including to the police or hospital. The Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center also trains and oversees the CSU Victim Assistance Team.
The Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center staffs a Victim Assistance Team which serves students who are the victims of interpersonal violence and their support systems. In some circumstances employees can receive services as well.
- Team members receive special training in physical, psychological, and legal ramifications of interpersonal violence.
- Team members are bound by state statute to maintain strict confidentiality.
- Any information a victim’s advocate learns while supporting a victim must be treated confidentially and cannot be released without the victim’s permission with a few legal exceptions.
- Team members will provide information about options related to crime reporting, medical needs (including Sexual Assault Nurse Examinations [SANE] exams), and other resources but the final decision to report is up to the individual victim.
- The Victim Assistance Team confidentially supports community members who have experienced interpersonal violence.
- Team members are on call 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
- Request an advocate by calling 970‐492‐4242.
- The Victim Assistance Team hotline can be used in situations resulting from interpersonal violence, including coping skills and sensory grounding.
- Team members can perform safety assessments and help create a safety plan.
- Contacting the team does not require the caller to make a police, university, or Title IX report.
- General information regarding Victim Assistance Team can be obtained by calling the Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center at 970‐491‐6384.
The advocates in the Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center can provide all the support found above. In addition, advocates within the Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center:
- Strive to support survivor self-actualization, meaning making, and sense of control over both their experiences with services and broader life circumstances.
- Aim to address the significant mental and physical impact of trauma caused and exacerbated by violence.
- Increase knowledge of and access to basic needs, academic resources, criminal and/or civil legal systems, and health and psychological services both on and off campus.
- Work to reduce isolation by supporting students in identifying, building, and repairing formal and informal support networks.
- Help survivors with academic safety planning and support in addressing the educational impact of experiencing interpersonal violence.
- Improve survivor outcomes by educating the whole university community on trauma informed care and the intersections of interpersonal violence with other forms of oppression, thus increasing the understanding of services, promoting survivor needs, and minimizing harm.
Fort Collins Police Services provides a free, non-confidential advocacy service that can assist employees and other members of the community who are engaged in reporting to that law enforcement agency. More information is available at https://www.fcgov.com/police/victims-assistance.php.
Personal Safety Tips
- Victims of sexual assault are not at fault for what has been done to them, whether drugs, alcohol or other intoxicants were used or not. The perpetrators of this crime are fully responsible for their illegal behavior.
- Allow people to make decisions for themselves – resist making them feel that they “owe you” something, including intimacy.
- Be alert for unhealthy dynamics in relationships.
- Because of the frequency of acquaintance sexual assaults in campus communities, it is best to be very explicit with dates about how intimate you expect the relationship to be.
- The vast majority of sexual assaults reported within the CSU community are committed by someone the survivor knows (more than 95%).
- Do not assume that you have consent. Some people believe that consent to any level of intimacy implies consent to sexual intercourse. This is not true – anyone can say “no” or “stop” at any time. Silence never equals consent.
- Often, assailants target victims who have been using drugs, alcohol or other intoxicants because of their increased vulnerability. Some people also intentionally coerce their intended victim to become intoxicated on alcohol or drugs.
- In Colorado, it is a criminal offense to have sexual contact or intercourse with someone who has been using drugs, alcohol or other intoxicants if they are unable to indicate their consent or lack of consent.
- In some instances, drugs are used that impair someone’s ability to know what is going on and to subsequently make them more vulnerable to sexual assault. Drugs like GHB or Rohypnol (roofies) can be secretly slipped into a beverage, nonalcoholic and alcoholic drinks alike. The drug has no smell or taste and generally no color. These drugs can be present at bars and clubs, but also at parties and intimate gatherings. The reality is that date rape drugs can be slipped into a drink by a perpetrator at any social setting.