University Building and Facility Access and Security

  • Most university buildings and facilities are accessible to members of the university community, guests, and visitors during normal business hours Monday through Friday, excluding holidays and when the university is closed, such as during a snow day.
  • Some buildings are open for designated hours on weekends.
  • Exterior doors on university buildings are locked each evening by Facilities Management. Most buildings are locked manually, and others are secured remotely and accessible by key cards. 
  • The remaining buildings are always locked and accessible by keycards, prox key and punch codes. 
  • Buildings may be secured at different times based on factors such as night classes, special events, or computer lab times.
  • Do not prop building doors open or allow strangers into university buildings that have been secured.
  • Do not lend keys or key cards or leave them unattended in your work or living space.
  • Do not give door entry or alarm codes to anyone you don’t know or who doesn’t have an authorized reason to have the code.
  • Report unlocked buildings after hours, problems with locks or security devices, and any other building security or safety issues to the responsible building proctor (contact information is on the Facilities Management website at, or Facilities Management dispatch, 970‐491‐0077.
  • To gain access to CSU’s portion of the Sturm Collaboration Campus on the Arapahoe Community College Campus after hours, students or employees must call 303-660-3160.
  • Emergencies and situations posing an immediate threat to safety should be reported to CSU police immediately by calling 911.
  • CSU’s policy on building access, security and keys provides more detail on these matters (
  • CSU Police Department regularly patrols campus buildings to enhance relationships with faculty, staff, and students and to increase security and safety awareness. 

Residence Hall Security

University Housing and residence hall security includes the following measures:

  • Lobbies and common areas are unlocked during hours when front desks and dining halls are open and then accessible only by residents of the building after hours via keycard access.
  • Floors and rooms are only accessible by residents with keycard access.
  • All common bathrooms on the floors are also secured.
  • Residents should not allow strangers access to the building, either by propping doors, lending keys, or opening doors for anyone waiting outside the building.
  • Visitors and deliver drivers during the day can enter the building and talk to front desk staff, otherwise the resident must meet the driver or visitor at the front once the building is locked.
  • All residence hall staff are trained on emergency response and have knowledge of evacuation and safety protocol in the event of an emergency.
  • All lobby doors and common areas can be locked down during an emergency to permit access to residents of the building only. The option of locking buildings down entirely to prevent any access into the building is also available.
  • CSU Police Department partners with Housing & Dining Services to develop a community-oriented policing program. A full‐time, certified police officer patrols outside residence hall buildings and inside public common areas and work to engage and enhance relationships with students and increase security and safety awareness.

Campus Planning and Safety

  • Safety is an important consideration in planning, maintaining, designing, and remodeling of facilities on campuses.
  • Exterior lighting is an important part of the university’s commitment to university safety. The CSU Police Department monitors exterior lighting and reports issues to Facilities Management.
  • Once a year, a comprehensive survey of all exterior lighting, building safety, and security is conducted by CSU police, Facilities Management, Risk Management and Environmental Health Services.
  • The university community is encouraged to call the CSU police (970‐491‐6425) or Facilities Management dispatch (970‐491‐0077) when they see a light out. Light posts have numbers on them that help repair people find them. If possible, provide the number when reporting a light out.
  • Facilities Management monitors door and security hardware daily. CSU police officers also report defective locking mechanisms to Facilities Management as soon as they are discovered.
  • Shrubbery, trees, and other vegetation on campuses are trimmed on a regular basis.
  • Fencing, roadway, and sidewalk repairs are reviewed and completed at least annually.
  • The CSU Public Safety Team coordinates university emergency preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. This team, made up of members from several university departments, also recommends safety and security policy for campuses.

Emergency Blue Light Phones

More than 60 emergency blue light phones are located throughout Main Campus. These emergency phones ring directly into the CSU Police Department dispatch center by simply pushing a button. Visit, click on “Resources” and then click on “Campus Maps”. On the Campus Maps page, click on the menu option for emergency blue light phones for locations.

Crimes on Non-Campus Property

Sororities and fraternities

Greek houses are located off campuses and are not owned by the university, although they are designated as non-campus for Clery reporting purposes (see appendix for more definitions). Because they are located off campuses, they are under the jurisdiction of Fort Collins Police Services. Security in sorority and fraternity houses is managed by a variety of methods and people, and that information is available through the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life at 970‐491‐0966.

CSU Student Conduct Services receives reports of crimes that occur in fraternities and sororities that are recognized as student organizations by Colorado State University from the CSU Police Department (which in turn receives crime information from Fort Collins police). Crimes occurring in fraternities and sororities are included in CSU’s crime statistics for purposes of reporting under the Clery Act.

Crimes committed in other non-campus locations of officially recognized student organizations are reported to the CSU Police Department by law enforcement agencies from those jurisdictions. In addition, crimes occurring in fraternities and sororities and other recognized student organization locations must be reported to CSU police by campus security authorities who have knowledge of them.

Off-campus locations

The CSU Police Department annually receives reports from Fort Collins police of all crimes that occurred within CSU’s Clery geography, including CSU property that is not on campus. CSU police officers and dispatchers monitor Fort Collins police radio traffic and view daily crime logs from that agency. Student Conduct Services also regularly receives reports of crimes reported to Fort Collins Police that involve students. For all other CSU property that is not on a campus, the CSU Police Department regularly requests annual crime reports from law enforcement agencies, including for any international locations that fall within CSU’s Clery geography at any time.