Student accommodations and supportive measures
Following an alleged offense of interpersonal violence, CSU will comply with a student’s reasonable requests for supportive measures. Supportive measures include, counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of work or class schedules, university escort services, referrals for medical services, mutual restrictions on contact between the parties, changes in work or housing locations, leaves of absence, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campuses, and other similar measures.
The victim will also be referred to community resources such as legal resources for assistance in obtaining court‐ordered protection and assistance with transportation and other needs. Students may contact Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center for assistance (970‐491‐6384,
Employee supportive measures
Employees of CSU who are victims of crime will also receive information regarding supportive measures that CSU may take to protect and aid the employee, by contacting
In‐person during business hours:
- Office of Title IX Programs and Gender Equity
- 123 Student Services Building (corner of University Avenue. and Libby Coy Way) Fort Collins, CO, 80523
- Telephone: (970) 491‐1715
- Email: [email protected]
Supportive measures available to employees are: counseling, extensions of work deadlines, modifications of work schedules, campus escort services, mutual restrictions on contact between the parties, referrals for medical services, changes in work or housing locations, leaves of absence, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campuses, and other similar measures.
Interim measures
During the investigation and disciplinary process, interim measures may be required of the responding party (the person accused of interpersonal violence behaviors).
Interim measures, which are temporary, are:
Interim no‐contact order: The parties are prohibited from having any contact with each other until the conclusion of the disciplinary process. This may prohibit a party from attending specific events, activities or classes.
Interim trespass order and emergency removal: The responding party may be prohibited from being in or around specifically identified locations, events, activities or classes until the conclusion of the disciplinary process. A responding party can be restricted from residence halls, dining facilities, and all university properties.
Interim university suspension: The responding student is denied access to campus, classes, and university activities and privileges until the conclusion of the disciplinary process.
Other actions the university may take are:
- Interim transcript notation
- Interim registration hold
- Interim degree hold
- Request for academic adjustments
- Change to dining and/or transportation arrangements
- Adjustment to on‐campus working arrangements
- Limitation or prohibition regarding participating in University activities absent written authorization from an appropriate University official
The responding party who is a student will be referred to Student Case Management and counseling services for support and assistance in accessing accommodations. Responding parties who are employees will be referred to the Ombuds and the Employee Assistance Program for support and assistance in accessing accommodations.