A landmark federal law adopted in 1990 and amended in 1998, now called the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, section 485(f) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, requires institutions of higher education to disclose campus crime statistics and security information.

This report – called the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, or the ASFSR – meets the Clery Act’s requirements and provides valuable information to current and prospective students, employees, and their families about safety and security at Colorado State University. This report also outlines the university’s policies on drugs, alcohol, and interpersonal violence, among other policies. Interpersonal violence includes sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

This report is created through a collaborative effort across the university. Those involved in compiling statistics and information include these CSU offices:

  • Colorado State University Police Department
  • Safety and Risk Services
  • Office of Title IX Programs and Gender Equity
  • Division of Student Affairs
    • Housing & Dining Services
    • Support & Safety Assessment
    • Student Resolution Center
    • Fraternity & Sorority Life
  • Survivor Advocacy and Feminist Education (SAFE) Center
  • CSU Athletics
  • International Programs
  • Facilities Management
  • Office of General Counsel

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report informs the university community about statistics for the types of crimes that the Clery Act requires the university to publish.

These crime categories are:

  • Criminal homicide (murder and non‐negligent manslaughter)
  • Sex offenses (sexual assault, rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape)
  • Aggravated assault
  • Arson
  • Robbery
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Hate crimes, defined as “a criminal offense that manifests evidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the perpetrator’s bias against the victim,” including the above crimes plus larceny‐theft, simple assault, intimidation, destruction or vandalism of property
  • Dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking

This report is published every fall and is required by the Clery Act to be distributed to all students and employees on or before October 1 of each year. 

Statistics of these crimes are provided for the previous three years. The statistics show these crimes that occurred on university property and certain non‐campus property and public property associated with the university.

In addition, statistics are reported for students who are arrested or referred for university disciplinary action for liquor law violations, drug law violations, and carrying and possessing illegal weapons. Referrals are counted when there is not arrest. When there is both a referral and an arrest, only the arrest is reflected in the chart (the referral is not).

CSU reports statistics for Clery crimes that occurred on properties that are within the university’s Clery geography, which are geographic areas defined by the Clery Act.

This includes:

  • On‐campus property: all properties that the university owns or controls within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area that are used in any manner related to the institution’s educational purposes, including the residence halls and apartments. This counts all university campuses.
  • Public property: all public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities, that is within a campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from a campus, not including private homes and businesses.
  • Non‐campus buildings and property: all other property that the university owns or controls that is used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution’s educational purposes, is frequently used by students, and that is located outside of the reasonably contiguous campus area, including buildings or property owned or controlled by a student organization officially recognized by CSU.

Statistical information is requested from our law enforcement partners within Colorado, in other states, and in international locations, when the property is considered university non‐campus property under the Clery Act.

Statistics are maintained for all fires that occurred during the previous three years in on‐campus student housing.

A Clery compliance committee requests and compiles statistics for the report each year, based on information received from offices and agencies listed above and from campus security authorities. Those statistics are counted and compiled into classifications for the report.

Offices across the university review content associated with their responsibilities before it is included in the report.

The Clery compliance committee works to ensure that the report meets requirements of the Clery Act and provides the most accurate information regarding crime, fire, safety, and related policies at CSU.

The report is sent each year via email to students and employees, and published online to be made available to parents, potential students and employees, and the general public.

The report includes information about procedures, policies and crime prevention programs including:

  • How to report a crime to CSU police
  • Law enforcement databases of registered sex offenders
  • Drug, alcohol, and interpersonal violence disciplinary procedures
  • How and when the university issues warnings to students, faculty, and staff of potentially dangerous criminal and emergency situations
  • University building and grounds evacuation procedures

This report is available online at clery.colostate.edu. A printed copy is available by request from the Clery compliance program director or may be printed from the online PDF version (also at clery.colostate.edu). The police department also makes a daily crime and fire log for relevant campuses available to anyone on request and publishes the log online at police.colostate.edu/daily-crime-and-fire-log/.

This annual report is published no later than October 1st of each year, unless otherwise determined by the U.S. Department of Education, and a notice of its publication with a link is emailed  to every current CSU student and current employee on or before that date. The Office of Admissions notifies prospective students of the report’s availability, and prospective employees are notified as they apply through the Talent Management System

To provide a clear definition of terms as defined at CSU for all individuals who review this report, there is an appendix of some of the terms contained within the Clery requirements not otherwise defined in the full Annual Security Report. This appendix is located at the end of this report. Within this index is a reasonable interpretation for some of the terms found within the Clery Act and intend to provide the plain meaning of said terms as we have interpreted them here at CSU with legal guidance and guidance from the Department of Education.